6.5' X 8' Oustide Patio Rug

I love the Dollar Store! So many great things you can use for Ideas in your home.

I was tired of my old hand-me-down patio rug, but I didn't have $80 dollars or more to buy a new one. I have little kids still, so getting a big nice rug to have food dumped on it didn't sound too fun either.

So I went to the dollar store and found these little rugs already cut in different colors. I bought 22 of them at $1 a piece and a roll of Duct tape. Novel huh?

This is what I did:

I then laid out my pattern I wanted with the colors.


After I got my pattern I started taping the seams together.

This was my old Rug, see how my table didn't fit over it? :(
Hope you can use this Idea and add a  Simple, Inexpensive look to your patio!


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